Thursday 10 May 2007

The end of the road!

This is my final web-blog so i am going discuss the outcomes of the module.
When i first selected to do this module i didn't really have an idea on what the outcome would be. I am very pleased that i chose this module now because i have found it entertaining as well as educational. I enjoyed learning about the history of tattoos and piercings the most but i also have learnt information on other subjects such as gambling - having car insurance or home insurance is classed as gambling which i didn't know previous to the module. I had a lot of fun in the being bad module it wasn't so much learning as more of a fun debating class where no answers are wrong answers which i think added to the fun.

Wednesday 9 May 2007

bad people?

This is a different blog to any i have written but i was wondering about it the other day. "bad" people such as Rapist, murders, pedo's etc. are bad people i dont care if you say their somebodies children whatever. If they committed acts like that then they're not human. So this is more of a "bad" thought from me. Instead of having animal testing which i dont agree with i think scientists should run the tests on people serving life sentences in prison. Nothing better, we get accurate results since they are the closest thing to human! and no innocent animal has to suffer.

Tuesday 8 May 2007


Some films that are around today could be considered as "bad". As the characters may do certain bad behaviour type things such as drug taking, crime and robbery. This it why there is guidance's on viewing so that children don't see films such as "Good fellas" or any other gangster type film which portrays violence in a good way and a way of life.

I guess most bad things which are seen in films aren't as bad since its only a film but the media would explode the situation and start making accusations.

I don't see anything wrong with "bad" movies. Just because they portray a gangster's or a thieves life glamorous doesn't mean that I'm going to go be a gangster.

Monday 7 May 2007


I suppose fighting would be considered bad behaviour unless you are a WWF wrestler or boxer. I'm talking about when people have clearly consumed too much alcohol and start hitting people for no reason.

Like with most of the topics that i have written i believe there is a good and bad side to fighting as well. I work in a pub so i see a lot of fighting for no apparent reason just simply because they have had to much to drink and want to go crazy. that to me would be considered the bad kind.

I don't fight often but i have defended my friends and family when people are saying stuff about them. I'm not proud of those times but i don't think what i did was necessarily bad. I was trying to calm the situation down by being polite and then it got too much. I think when you are defending somebody or when you see somebody getting beaten up by five people and there on their own its OK to defend them.

Fighting for no reason or no cause is bad.

Sunday 6 May 2007

Tattoo and piercings

I was looking forward to this lesson the most and Ive only just noticed i haven't wrote a proper blog on it.

I really enjoyed learning the history of tattooing and piercing. It just shows you when they mentioned the Queen's mother having a tattoo proves that it doesn't mean your a druggie like most parents and society believe today.

I have tattoos and piercings and so does my boyfriend. i do notice i get people staring at us and asking so often why do we have piercings there so disgusting. But why? why are piercings and tattoos considered a "bad" image. Its just an accessory to your body which is the same as earrings. Tattoos are just an picture/art on your body. I don't understand why so many people are against piercings and tattoos and they do judge you. I also think they class me as untrustworthy and i get a lot of people asking me if i do drugs because of my image. Yet i do not touch the stuff!

Saturday 5 May 2007


There are alot of different types of genres of music out in the world today and all people are different everybody likes there own stuff. I respect that people are into different music types than me so i dont understand why people dont have the same respect for me.

Media has alot to do with why some music is "bad" and some isnt. For example. Hip-hip/ rap lovers apparently are stereotyped to do alot of drugs. Rock lovers apparently are into committing suicide and are more likely to fail at education.

I researched this for my college work because i felt so strongly that you can not catogrise everybody into the same stereotype.

I love rock music, mostly i love punk rock music and what is now called "emo" but that doesnt mean i go home a slash my wrists with a butter knife or that i take drugs. I think it depends on the person and i wish the media would stop trying to use music as an escape goat. Like when they tried to blame Marilyn Manson for the columbine high school shootings for a sumblimal message on "get your gunn" even though the two teenagers never listened to Marilyn Manson. Its crazy, socity is to blame and the parents!
Some links.

Friday 4 May 2007


This comment is on Laura- Ann - discussion: Lies.

"Lies i think can be good and bad. They can be good in a way so that people don't get hurt, such as children. By telling them the dog ran away or went to a new home, when really it was put down. That is classed as a white lie, for me. "

I totally agree with what Laura says about white lies can be good for children. Such as Santa is real because when your a child you don't want to see faults with the world. If i ask my mum is Santa is real she still wont admit that she lied to me when i was younger and i actually think that's really nice though because it gives children the sense of security. Who's to say Santa ain't real anyways? ha.

There comes a point when you cross over from a white lie to a "bad" lie. Such as my brother is perfect example of a liar who is bad. He will ring my parents up and tell them hes just had a crash or something bad has happen to the point that he'll keep going until there in hysterics worried. I don't think that's really fair on my parents and there is also lying when people lie in court.

Wednesday 2 May 2007


Comment Jessica J Adams on infidelity (

"I think it would be fair to say that every single person who has been in a relationship, has at some point committed infidelity and if they haven't they have thought about it."

I strongly disagree with this statement made by Jessica. I have been in a relationship for almost two years and i haven't once thought about cheating and i haven't ever cheated. I know there's a lot of people who do cheat but i am not one of them. I no i never will because i stand so strongly on this point. I don't think it is fair for Jessica to judge everybody just because infidelity is a part of modern life apparently!

Tuesday 1 May 2007


(my car after driving irresponsibly)
I thought driving would be an excellent discussion for being "bad". The reason i thought this is because there are many different opinions of "bad" drivers. such as young adults are believed to be bad drivers by older adults, yet younger adults believe that older adults are bad driver. I drive and would be considered a young adult and my opinion is that boy racer type drivers (young men) are stupid and irresponsible on the road. The reason they drive so idiotic is to show off to there friends or girlfriends. I also believe that old people are bad drivers and shouldn't be allowed on the road. They clearly cant see very well and drive at a speed which is dangerous due to being so slow. I'm not saying I'm a perfect driver because i was a bad driver, I had two crashes and wrote off one of my cars on my 18Th birthday. I learnt my lesson after spending the day in hospital and not being able to celebrate it. I don't agree with the stereotype that women cant drive, i think they are better than male drivers.

Monday 30 April 2007


This comment is on "gambling" made by Claire Lee -

"Maybe a better definition would be problematic and non-problematic gambling then. My actions would be non-problematic"

I agree with Claire's statement. I believe their are two types of gambling problematic and non- problematic. I would describe myself as a non - problematic one simply because if i dont have money i wont gamble and i certainly wouldnt steal to fund a gambling problem. However i do like to play in the fruit machines but thats because i work in the pub and im easily bored so i try to entertain myself when its quiet. I believe you could classify problematic gamblers "bad" simply because of their means to get money and can end up in loads of debt and bring people down with them.

Thursday 26 April 2007


Comment on Laura- Ann Gordon (

Tattoo's and Piercings.

I agree with Laura on what she wrote about peoples opinions on her tattoos. I know a lot of people, most older people who are disgusted with my tattoos and piercings because they wont accept them, yet to me they're hardly noticeable

"The response i got was insane, people would think that i had a tattoo covering my whole foot and leg, people were disgusted that i had one because it was not feminine to have them. I couldn't believe the reaction and this is what has made me get more tattoos."

I also find that when people criticise my tattoos it makes me want to get a bigger one next time. i don't understand why people cant accept tattoos and why they class it as not feminine.

Wednesday 25 April 2007

Substance Abuse

Obviously this is considered by most people a very bad thing otherwise most of it wouldn’t be illegal. I do think in the sense that cocaine, crack etc. all drugs they are “bad” I wouldn’t personally do them or try them. I just don’t understand why people run there lives around getting the next fix. But I am guilty of two substance abuses and that would be Alcohol and Cigarettes. Although people often disapprove of drug addicts, Drinking Alcohol is still abuse and can be very effective in the sense you can become dependent on it just like drugs and like in the case of when I drink you can loose control and get aggressive. I think it just comes down to taking things in moderation, although I don’t agree with drugs are ok in moderation.

Friday 20 April 2007


Swearing is considered bad. Although a lot of people swear. I consider swearing to be bad just because you sound ignorant and unintelligent. I don't find it such bad behaviour when i hear adults swearing because i hear it from them a lot especially because i work in a bad and you get a lot of drunk people who get aggressive at you and swear at you. I was shocked the other day when i heard nothing other than "bastard" and "fuck off" come out of a five year old mouth, i think that's disgusting.

Tuesday 17 April 2007


I believe gambling isnt "bad" but most people consider it bad bahaviour. I can understand if you are an addict then the effects it has on you could be considered bad and the amount of debt you get into could be very bad. But i enjoy gambling in pubs on itbox's, fruit machine's and playing the odd game of poker for pennies with my friends. i guess theres a fine line between playing for fun and knowing when to stop. I have friends who gamble on fruit machines and they put around £80 in most times they play and are in debt. i just think its self control like with most things and knowing when to walk away.

Thursday 22 March 2007


In some sense i consider religion as a "bad" thing. This is because its a main cause of war and you usually cant discuss religion lightly with somebody, or at least this is from my own personal view you cant.

I wouldn't really blame religion for this though its when people take it out of hand such as suicide bombers. I am Catholic and i am extremely proud of my religion. I wouldn't feel ashamed to admit it. My dad's side of my family are extremely religious and sometimes i believe they do take it a bit to far. For instance to believe in god i don't believe that i have to attend church every week, i attend every Christmas eve and whenever i visit my family in Italy.
I do tend to find Catholics very hypocritical which i do consider "bad". They aren't supposed to judge people but as soon as they get out of the church they judge everybody and because i have piercings and tattoos i am constantly judge even by my own family so in that aspect i consider it bad but i don't consider having a faith is bad and therefore the idea of religion isn't its just the way people take it.

Thursday 15 March 2007

Bandits and outlaws

Relating to the bandits and outlaw seminar. My view on crime sprees i.e robberies. It definitely could be classified at "being bad". Obviously it's not right because its against the law.
If it was in the sense of Robin Hood. Stealing from the rich to give to the poor then i believe that is acceptable, but times are different now and you can't get away with it.
I think stealing is bad because it is one of the main causes of upraises in pricing.

I have stolen myself before nothing major like a car, but i once stole my grandads motorbike when he was in hospital. It wasn't really stealing because i was returning it but it would still be classified as stealing since i didn't get permission. In the end i was caught by the police with no helmet, tax and insurance. I wasn't proud of myself but thankfully i was let off with a warning. I also used to steal sweets n toys from my local shop, i completely regret it now and i feel a bit of a idiot for doing it. but I've learnt from it and therefore i can say that i do believe it is bad and people shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. There should be stricter punishment.

Wednesday 14 March 2007


I don't understand why people consider smoking to be a bad behaviour. I know it kills you, it doesn't smell nice and all that. But i don't think that when I'm smoking i look like some sort of rebel. Although, the image on the left isnt a very appealing look.

I believe its media who have created this image that the "bad" people smoke. It gives their characters a rougher look, i guess. I still wouldn't consider it bad behaviour, unless it was a child smoking and they were like 10 but still I'd call that disgusting behaviour.

Wednesday 7 March 2007


In the lesson on masturbation i was shock at the information given that people in certain places or in old times considered it to be an act of discuss and can cause death. I don't think masturbation is a bad act especially for guys its just a thing on nature as explained in the lesson you usually stimulate it at a young age. I wouldn't say masturbation is a form of being bad either. i cant believe people would think it was.

I was also surprised to hear that its a primary act and sex is secondary.


After last weeks lesson on cheating i was suprise to how many people were against cheating. Yet so many people usually do it. I was really impressed by the vast amount of people who hadnt cheated and that fact they agreed it was wrong.

My opinon on cheating is if your in a relationship then dont cheat, if you want to be with other people then dont be in a relationship simple! and if you argue or have a disagreement talk about it instead on making it worst.

Cheating in my opinon is extremely bad and i strongly believe in this. i cant stand people who cheat just for fun its unacceptable. I believe it also sends on the wrong message to younger children or if your a teenager and you have cheated young then i think your more likely to do it when your older.

Once a cheater always a cheater, i say!

Thursday 15 February 2007

Field Trip

For my first blog i would like to suggest a field trip to a Prison, any prison it doesn't matter on whether it's a high risk prison or a youth offender one. Just because i believe this would be a good way on learning why people consider things are bad and why others believe it's not bad. For instance 'breaking into a car' or 'mugging somebody' although i consider this to be bad behaviour there are people that are currently serving jail time for committing this 'crime' and they still may consider these acts as not bad behaviour but maybe a way of life.