Tuesday 1 May 2007


(my car after driving irresponsibly)
I thought driving would be an excellent discussion for being "bad". The reason i thought this is because there are many different opinions of "bad" drivers. such as young adults are believed to be bad drivers by older adults, yet younger adults believe that older adults are bad driver. I drive and would be considered a young adult and my opinion is that boy racer type drivers (young men) are stupid and irresponsible on the road. The reason they drive so idiotic is to show off to there friends or girlfriends. I also believe that old people are bad drivers and shouldn't be allowed on the road. They clearly cant see very well and drive at a speed which is dangerous due to being so slow. I'm not saying I'm a perfect driver because i was a bad driver, I had two crashes and wrote off one of my cars on my 18Th birthday. I learnt my lesson after spending the day in hospital and not being able to celebrate it. I don't agree with the stereotype that women cant drive, i think they are better than male drivers.

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