Friday 4 May 2007


This comment is on Laura- Ann - discussion: Lies.

"Lies i think can be good and bad. They can be good in a way so that people don't get hurt, such as children. By telling them the dog ran away or went to a new home, when really it was put down. That is classed as a white lie, for me. "

I totally agree with what Laura says about white lies can be good for children. Such as Santa is real because when your a child you don't want to see faults with the world. If i ask my mum is Santa is real she still wont admit that she lied to me when i was younger and i actually think that's really nice though because it gives children the sense of security. Who's to say Santa ain't real anyways? ha.

There comes a point when you cross over from a white lie to a "bad" lie. Such as my brother is perfect example of a liar who is bad. He will ring my parents up and tell them hes just had a crash or something bad has happen to the point that he'll keep going until there in hysterics worried. I don't think that's really fair on my parents and there is also lying when people lie in court.

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